ok, the only thing i cant figure out((and it may sound stupid)) btu how do u get the littel icon things that u can put on your page?
get an account on photobucket or tinypic (i prefer photobucket)
then find images you want
right click them
save to ur computer
go to your account on photobucket
upload pics
copy the HTML code
and then paste onto a section in myspace
p.s. it has to be HTML if you just want the pic on your page
the url link is for making layouts
google search
myspace icons
My favorite is go to photobucket, find an image you want, copy it, then go to edit my profile and paste in whatever subject box you want it to be in!! Some,likebackgrounds, will only work in the "About Me" section. Good luck,have fun. Just run searches for myS[ace graphics to get millions of choices to put on your page.
you'll find your answer on :
it has the greatest myspace stuff i've ever seen
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