Friday, November 20, 2009

MySpAcE ?!?!?!?!?!?

i know this is a dum question but can some1 plz tell me how do i put a song on my myspace profile or watever

..... StEpS pLeAsE .......

MySpAcE ?!?!?!?!?!?

Make sure you are logged in,then click home,then click music,then find the song you like and it will say "add song" and click on it.

MySpAcE ?!?!?!?!?!?


go to were it says home and zoom over until u get to music and tyoe in a artist and then u add da song here mssge me on myspace

MySpAcE ?!?!?!?!?!?


step 1: log into your myspace

step2: go to the top of the page where it has a search box and options of searching for music,people,groups ect.

step3: click music

step4:type in the band name

step5:click whatever comes up

step6:if its the song you want on the player then click add its right beside the title of the song and it will be added to your profile


if the song or band you wanted didnt come up you can try searching somthing else or trying an advanced search *can be found on a band search on the right hand side*

the advanced search doesnt show sometimes though so if you cant find it just search around for a bit

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